
Matthew, Disciple and Scribe: The First Gospel and Its Portrait of Jesus is unavailable, but you can change that!

Patrick Schreiner provides a fresh look at the Gospel of Matthew, highlighting the unique contribution Matthew’s rich and multilayered portrait of Jesus makes to understanding the connection between the Old and New Testaments. Drawing from Matthew 13:52, Schreiner understands the author of the Gospel as a “discipled scribe” who brings out treasures new and old from his teacher. Jesus, as a...

Matthew further defines the content of this treasure, labeling it as both “new and old” (καινὰ καὶ παλαιά; see also 9:17). Many church fathers understood the new and old with reference to the NT and the OT.93 However, this view, while not entirely wrong, is anachronistic, since the NT as a canonical collection did not exist when Matthew wrote. It is better simply to assert that Jesus himself and his teaching is the new, while the old is the Jewish tradition more generally. The First Gospel often
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